Amlexa e-signature is an advanced electronic signature solution (AdES) to legally sign online contracts and electronic documents with a simple SMS.
Processing physical documents and affixing handwritten signatures can take a lot of effort and can be very expensive.
Think about the costs you normally have to print the documents, to get them signed, to send them to the recipient and think about the time it takes to complete the process, to reach the recipient and get the signed documents back.
The Amlexa E-signature makes the signing of electronic documents easy, cheap and immediate, because it is based on the “One Time Password (OTP)” technology, which allows your customer to sign a contract with a simple SMS!
Amlexa e-signature has the same legal effect and full admissibility of evidence in legal proceedings as a handwritten signature.
The Amlexa e-signature is a digital signature that meets the requirements of EU Regulation n. 910-2014 (eIDAS Regulation) on electronic identification and advanced electronic signature (AdES).